Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gmail Spam folder shows ads for spam recipes

Google shows me ads for the infamous meat paste when I check my Gmail spam folder.

Today I see:

Vineyard Spam Salad - Combine grapes, spam, peapods and onions in large bowl

A recipe to give one nightmares!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I criticize Obama because I want him to be himself

I've heard him say that he is not just the President of the Democrats but the President of all the people of the United States.  This is constitutionally true and admirable in some contexts, BUT....

The POTUS is not a projection of the nation, like some Joseph Campbell sacred king, but a party leader who is also the executive.

As such, he is always allowed to execute the agenda of his party, that has been the practice throughout the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

Apologizing for what you believe in has never won over the other side. 

Small Business Saturday

I only started seeing TV ads for this on Saturday itself; but then I don't watch during the week, maybe I missed the earlier blitz - but they were still running ads at 8:30PM, they must think this is now the emergency shopping season, so last minute is the last word, grab the pepper spray we're going shopping!

The POTUS (luv this acronym as it resonates with potent and ancient Greek roots for Poseidon) took Sasha and Malia (mellifluous names like Michelle but definitely not like Barack) shopping at a couple independent book stores (the ultimate endangered category when the Kindle Fire is the Tickle Me Elmo of this season) and what he buy but a Wimpy Kid book for the kids and  "Descent into Chaos: The U.S. and the Disaster in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia."  which I must assume is not for the kids, although as Potusial children they may have an interest, depending on how often B.O. celebrates Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.

So I must assume The Potus wants to read "Descent into Chaos", okay everyone answer me this, why?  Maybe he respects the author and wants to see what he says?  Or it was recommended?  Who would recommend this book to the Mr. Potushead?

So, sir, what is your presentiment towards this work and what do you expect to learn?  To be more specific, do you think you are not getting all the information you need on the job?  One more thing - are you aware of the signal this may be sending and is it intentional or is this, dare I say, a gaffe?

Did Michelle ask you to get it for her? 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The clumsy give thanks

Thank you O Lord for digital cameras, the memories of accidentally exposing film are gently healing.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It takes a menacing pharaoh to build a pyramid

From the dummy's version of the Steve Jobs bio one receives from the infosphere, he seems to have been a fearsome tyrant creating greatness on the crushed bones of his minions, much like the Pharaohs and other imperial monsters of the olden world.

Now after his apotheosis, he rules over the celestial crystalline spheres, yes it's now a camphor glass Apple store.

The new nano is too small.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our personal microbes

Now it is all over that a human body plays host to a trillion or so microbes; the plurality are workers in the gut and digestive tract; recently it has become widely known that differently mixed multitudes colonize skin areas,  the armpit populations contains both different tribes and close-cousins of the elbow and wrist citizenries; the number of microbes in a human may be 10 times the number of human cells.

Trees also have distinctive entourages, fungii, insects and microbes, the term used is 'symbiotic community'.

It took a good billion years or two or three to build up this kind of natural organization, that is a very long time, and it went slow, evolution got bored and came up with crazy designs, freaks of nature like hummingbirds, humans and humpbacks, one of which now can manipulate genetics and do in a generation what once took ages or was impossible.  Maybe they can customize personal microbes, surely for a price; to make your skin glow and your smell attract, the demand will come from the same people who now botox and niptuck.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Teach the unemployed Ruby, Python and Javascript

Everyone wants jobs, jobs, jobs, but the ones available require newer skills, but nowadays we have simple  freely-available scripting languages that run well on today's computers and delivery a lot of functionality for relatively little time and effort.  How long would it take an unemployed 55 year old factory worker to learn Python?  I say no more than a few weeks before he can make things happen and gain confidence.  Then he has at least one relevant skill, since his old job flowed down the wage waterfalls to the ocean of overseas low-cost labor.

They should be teaching Ruby in elementary school.